Tag: concert
Civil Waves radio show supported by U.S. Embassy in Hungary
KultDesk’s Lahmacun community radio teams up with the EPER “first university” radio for a new project with local civil society organisations.
KultDesk’s furst Creative Europe project kicks off in Bratislava
The EM GUIDE project on independent music journalism kicks off in Bratislava.
KultDesk receives first Erasmus+ grant
KultDesk receives first Erasmus+ grant – “Youth at Work” project is a 14-month Youth participation activity
Józsefváros district supports Lahmacun radio
Józsefváros district supports Lahmacun radio – grant will cover studio maintenance and broadcast fees
Bohren und der Club of Gore – sold out concert at Csepeli Munkásotthon
Bohren und der Club of Gore performing at Csepeli Munkásotthon on May 30, 2023 (a blindblindblind event)